About The Business
Business Name | JD classic supplies |
Size | Small |
Location | Opp. Kawempe Police Station |
Phone | +256706335348 /+256778401109 |
jdclassicsupplies694@gmail.com | |
Website: | |
Date Opened | 2019-05-03 |
Our History
JD Classic Supplies and Engineering is a reputable company based in Kampala, specializing in a wide range of electrical solutions and engineering services. With a focus on sales, electrical installations, solar installations, CCTV camera installations, indoor and exterior electrical appliances, site wiring, maintenance, and youth skills training, we are committed to delivering high-quality services that meet the diverse needs of our clients and contribute to the development of our community.
Business Location
Bombo road opp. Kawempe police station.
Payment Gateways
Airtel Money | 0750090204
KCB Bank Payment | 2290823031